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As a patient of Head to Toe Health, you have the right to expect the following standards from us.

Time Aware

We not only respect your commitment to getting well, but also your time. We rarely run late, but if we’re a bit behind schedule, we’ll always try to call ahead and give you notice.

We will explain your problem in an easy to understand language

Understanding your condition and the treatment required is paramount to us. So feel free to ask any of our staff for information, either in person or via the telephone.

High Standards of Healthcare

All instruments used during your treatment have been individually cleaned and sterilized according to the registration board guidelines. We will NEVER treat patients with un-sterile instruments.

The Latest in Treatments and Techniques

Head to Toe Health believes in evidence-based medicine. All practitioners attend conferences to keep informed about the latest trends and techniques.

Don’t let pain stop you from living the life you deserve!

At Head to Toe Health, our goal is to ensure you feel energized, in control and free of restrictions so you can get on with the most important thing in life - living.